Friday, March 20, 2020

The Future is Uncertain

   Recently, the state of Florida has gotten news of what will happen regarding the schools. The Coronavirus outbreak has spread rapidly throughout the state and has caused many changes this past week. This is especially true in my county, which is Broward county. Our governor has announced that school is cancelled until April 15. This is not good news for our film project. I am certain that re-shooting will no longer be possible at this point. The risk of contracting the virus is too high. We can try to get together but I doubt that our parents would actually let us get together during this outbreak. Besides, we wouldn’t to potentially spread the virus to each other as well. This leaves us with two options. The first is that one person re-shoots scenes at their house and it’ll only be them. The problem with this, however, is that the scenes we need to reshoot include multiple character so this would not workout at all. It would also not workout for consistency of the setting. The second option I think is much better and much more practical. This option is just taking the footage that we already have and editing it up to make it work better. This option’s problem is that one of the scenes that needed to be reshot was very dark. This means that the lighting was too dark to really get a clear sight of what was happening. This was not our fault though and the problem could have been avoided if we filmed quicker. What had happened was that the lights in the park we were filming in had shut off on us leaving us in almost complete darkness. This is not something we can go back and edit to fix. We would have to reshoot it entirely. However, I still believe option 2 is a lot better than option 1.

This is a picture of that dark scene.

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